Why Customer Service Sets STI Polymer Apart from Other Suppliers When it comes to polymer…

Another long term employee of the company, EHS/ISO Manager, Ann McMillan, shows us how passion can drive you for years and years. Loving all things nature from the sea to the sky to the mountains, we have no fear putting our Environmental Health and Safety tasks to Miss Ann.
Arriving in Sanford at daybreak and departing at sunset every day, her commitment and devotedness to work goes far from unnoticed. Her experiences gained while doing what she loves most, have clearly prepared her for whatever is to come at STI.
Whenever a task needs be done, we generally find it completed by Ann before even asking. For your allegiance and dedication to our company, we cannot find words fitting enough for how thankful we truly are to have you. Keep up the great work and keep hittin’ the great outdoors, Ann!